300mm Axe with Sheath by Ultraedge
I have been super excited to use my new Ultraedge Axe and establish how it would suffice in the outdoors. Being in a rush to get to our campsite, I forgot to get kindling and having arrived in the rain, the ground was wetter than would be ideal to start out fire. So out comes this now trusted piece of equipment and I begin on a piece of dry braai wood which we had brought bags of. It made quick work of splitting the substantial the rather substantial chunk of Rooikrans.
This little tool was going to be a life saver. And time after time as I brought the sharp end down onto yet another piece of the wood it struck true and sharp and split the piece into perfect kindling with which to start a roaring fire. And that for me is the best part of the entire trip, sitting around the fire, beer in hand, the smell of meat cooking slowly on the open flame, the sounds of the wild life at night and my trusty axe lying next to me back in it’s handy sheath, a hard day’s work under the belt. So from now on, this little axe will be with me beneath the stars.